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A manual that combines education and theoretical research with practical activity, a result of the experience of Umberto Pelizzari, one of the major protagonists in the history of freediving (16 world records & the first man to break the wall of 150 meters in depth). A complete text, which accompanies the freediver into the discovery of a fascinating sport and discipline with extraordinary mental components. With its previous editions, "Manual of Freediving" has been the most widely distributed freediving manual in the world, translated into eight languages, selling more than 30,000 copies in Italy. In this "Manual of Freediving, underwater on a single breath", each chapter has been completely re-written and enriched with the most important innovations and knowledge that in the recent years have contributed to improving and making the practice of freediving even safer and more enjoyable. The chapter on relaxation and mental training represents one of the greatest insights into the application of mental strength in freediving. Developed in a very simple and practical way, it contains various “guides” for the autogenic training sessions and mental training. From basic to advanced level, topics such as the following, are dealt with simplicity and many practical references: breathing (the correct use of the diaphragm, respiratory sensitivity and effectiveness, abdominal and thoracic breathing, chest mobilization, etc.), equalization (all manoeuvres are described and trained with the latest educational protocols, dry and in water), physical and specific training, monofin, safety in the water, etc. According to the most modern freediving teaching methods, over 400 pages of text and illustrated exercises with useful images will allow students and their instructors to build a straight forward and effective didactic path.
This textbook provides a method that allows freedivers and spearfishermen to identify a training path, aimed at optimizing their results.
Detailed guidance is provided on how to structure the various stages of specific preparation for Static, Dynamic, Deep Freediving and Spearfishing, with innovative training strategies and new specific exercises and series to be combined with the traditional ones.
You can learn new ideas on how to organize the annual timetable of the training (sequences, orders, frequencies) when to increase the workload, how and when to finalize the specific workout, depending on the discipline.
While Umberto Pelizzari shares his experience and his training methodologies and how these latter have evolved and adapted throughout the years.
This manual is addressed to good level freedivers, spearfishermen and trainers, who are looking for answers about training and programs. Additionally it can be used by swimmers who want to train their own freediving skills in order to improve their performance.
Over 250 pages with helpful pictures and explanatory tables that gather the result of years of experience of one of the worldwide greatest freedivers.
Finally it includes interviews of some of the best freedivers in the world: Čolak, Lozano, Molchanov, Musimu, Nery, Nitsch, Petrović, Trubridge, Zecchini, Zuccari.
This is the new edition of Umberto Pelizzari's 'Deeply,' and the first time it has been published in English. The book contains over 150 photographs, many of which have never before been seen in print. Not only is it the autobiography of the athlete Umberto Pelizzari, but also an extraordinary reflection on man’s constant and irrepressible urge to exceed the limits imposed on him by nature, to experience new sensations and to go deep within himself in search of a freedom that knows no boundaries. Captivating images accompany a vivid narrative of the records and adventures that defined Pelizzari’s life and sporting career. Page after page, Pelizzari relives the experience of his inner journey in the depths of the sea. The editor is Idelson Gnocchi.
Dry Training for freediving
Freediving is a wonderful world!
I discovered it while following the black line on the bottom of the pool during the 40,000 km I have covered in 25 years of swimming.
Freediving is so natural that many people do not consider it a sport, but rather a technique that helps swimmers hold their breath while exploring the seabed or spearfishing.
But it is a real, technical and well-structured sport, rewarding those who practice it by putting them in touch with themselves and with nature.
Freediving means freedom. I’m sure everyone has, at least once, dreamt of being a dolphin, playing with the school, riding a wave and taking a dip in the deep blue. Almost everyone has put his or her head underwater for a few seconds and said afterward, “I made it!”
Freediving is essential in many sports and a great way to further develop and improve technique and performance. I devote a large part of my swimming training to dynamic apnea exercises to improve turns and starts.
But while freediving can be of significant help in many sports, this book shows the other side of the coin, and that is, how other sports can help freediving and those who practice it.
I believe there is still a lot to learn about how to train your body for apnea, simply because it completely overturns the physiological laws that are the basis of all other sports: When you practice freediving, you hold your breath! Dry Training for Freediving helps us understand how to incorporate other sports into our freediving training.
The absolute truth may still be far from being known, but I think this book will help us move in the right direction.
And I hope it can help you, even unintentionally, become like Pelizzari more easily.
Now it’s time to hold your breath …without fear!
Ce manuel sur l'apnée s'adresse aussi bien aux spécialistes de cette discipline, aux plongeurs de différents horizons (loisir, chasse souse-marine, photographie) qu'aux nageurs qui souhaitent améliorer leur respiration. Les auteurs ont mis leur très grande expérience de l'apnée, en tant qu'athlètes de haut niveau et formateurs, au service d'un véritable ouvrage de référence.
Tous les grands thèmes sont détaillés dan cet ouvrage exhaustif et accesible à tous le pratiquants; les différentes informations théoriques sont illustrées par de nombreux dessins didactiques et complétées par des exercices pratique.
L’apnée et la pêche sous-marine, bien qu’en plein développement, sont encore pratiquées avec un certain amateurisme, sans réelles connaissances sur l’entraînement.
Voici donc le premier ouvrage au monde sur la préparation physique spécifique pour l’apnée !
Les plus grands spécialistes italiens et notamment Umberto Pelizzari, véritable icône mondiale, vous détaillent les informations nécessaires pour concevoir et mettre en place un entraînement spécifique et adapté à vos objectifs.
La préparation proposée est établie à partir d’activités faciles à mettre en place, praticables par tous et en toutes saisons telles que la course à pied, le cyclisme, la natation, des exercices de renforcement musculaire, de stretching et de relaxation... La planification et les programmes rigoureusement sélectionnés que nous vous proposons de suivre sont le résultat de la longue expérience des auteurs en compétition au plus haut niveau.
Grâce à ce nouveau manuel de référence, votre préparation physique ne sera plus le fruit du hasard...
Sie leben in einer eigenen Welt, scheinen manchmal den Fischen und Delfinen näher als den Menschen: die Apnoe-Taucher, die sich ohne künstlichen Sauerstoff in die Tiefe wagen. Umberto Pelizzari war der beste von ihnen. Als er 2001 seine Karriere freiwillig beendete, hielt er den Weltrekord in allen drei Disziplinen des Tieftauchens und hatte als erster Mensch 150 Meter Tiefe erreicht. In diesem Buch schildert Pelizzari, der sich schon als Kind für die Duelle der berühmten Apnoe-Taucher Maiorca und Mayol begeisterte, seinen Werdegang. Er schreibt über die Weisheit des Meeres, über das Einssein mit dem Element, über die faszinierende Tierwelt unter Wasser und über die süchtigmachende Erfahrung, in immer neue Tiefen vorzudringen. Aber er setzt sich auch damit auseinander, was es bedeutet, in lebensgefährliche Bereiche vorzustoßen - und wie sinnlos es ist, dort mit Gewalt etwas erzwingen zu wollen.
Ce livre est l'autobiographie d'Umberto Pelizzari: c'est un extrait des épisodes qui ont marqué la vie et la carrière de l'athlète.
In this pages you will find all necessary information and basic advice you will need to get closer to apnea in an easy, fun and safe way. Our abjective in these years has been to exolain that apnea is foremost a discipline for which the mind and the relaxation factor are more important than the many, represent a radical change in the way of thinking and of doing sport.
Este manual presenta un recorrido didáctico desde la teoría a la práctica de este deporte. Para ello, comienza introduciendo, en la primera parte, los conocimientos necesarios antes de entrar en el agua –el equipo, la adaptación del cuerpo al agua, la adaptación del cuerpo a la apnea– para seguir, en la segunda parte, con las técnicas de respiración y de relajación que nos preparan física y mentalmente para la práctica de la apnea. A continuación, en la tercera parte, de carácter más práctico, se desarrollan las técnicas que el apneísta debe dominar: el aleteo, la compensación, la formación en piscina y en aguas libres y la seguridad. Por último, se detalla el entrenamiento del apneísta incluyendo la programación anual y la valoración de los parámetros físicos de base.
El lector encontrará numerosos ejercicios profusamente ilustrados que lo guiarán paso a paso en la adquisición de una correcta técnica.